Friday, March 27, 2015

Anime and Me

I feel like the anime style is somewhat important. I do not know as much about anime as most of my friends back home (yes, I was in anime clubs and went to Anime Boston and everything else), but I really was never as into anime as my friends. I went along with them because they were my friends, but my extant of anime appreciation was a few random episodes of Niurto, random episodes of Pokemon, and a few random episodes of Yuh Gi Oh, and that was pretty much it. I was really into Deathnote, so much so that I shot-gunned trough the series and cosplayed as Misa-Misa one year, and Haruhi Susumia is another anime I enjoyed. It helped that both female characters were characters that I felt that I could identify with. I believe that the attraction for me here was more about the characters than the show itself. Even in class, the reason I believe I was more attracted to Parasyte because of how extreme it was. I have never been a huge fan of gun related shows, but extreme shows.  I use the term extreme almost like satirical. These shows know how out there this idea is, so they don’t hold back. Even if it’s something that could happen someday, they push the idea and then poke fun at it. If it is not this aspect that attracts me, then it is a certain character (normally the comic relief or a relatable female character).

While I’m not as big of an anime fan as some of my friends, I do enjoy them. I don’t think I have one anime that I could really reference as ‘most important’, but whichever one someone likes could be arguable for ‘most important’ in an art sense.  I believe that this easy drawing style coupled with available subjects is extremely important to someone that wants to get into art. Anime was my gateway into the art field because the ‘how to’ books were always available and there was no way to mess up, plus my art program at school stunk. Once I would understand anime and how to draw some characters, I would try to draw my favorite characters from the animes I was watching, and then I would slowly grow into drawing people I know and creating my own style. Granted, one could fall into the pit of always drawing anime because it is such a simple style,  but there are some key things that I learned from those ‘How to Draw Anime’ books that helped me understand what I needed to learn here.

Instead of links to animes, I am linking some of my pre-Ringling high school anime art. Please don’t judge too harshly.

Most are from 2007 through 2009 (I didn’t understand what time stamps were)

And then I went to precollege classes and Ringling and anime faded away.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


I would like to prelude this post with these facts about me; I read Sex Criminals. A good friend suggested I read it, so I did. I am not a comic reader. I have never really read a serious comic (unless you count newspaper comics) and I don’t see much of the appeal. I don’t like creating them and I just have never been attracted to them. I will read them when I am required to, but if given the choice, I will often go for a novel.

Keeping these things in mind, I am not really sure what to say or compare this comic to.  However, I saw why my friend suggested that I read this comic. I love humor and especially breaking the fourth wall and that was honestly my favorite part of this whole comic. In case you did not read this comic, let me explain. There is a part where the main character (Suzie) is out with her boyfriend (Jon) and the song ‘Fat Bottom Girls’ comes on the radio. She comments about how this is ‘her jam’ and she starts to sing. The background changes from the billiards place to her imaginary music video and everything; but they could not get the rights to the lyrics. So instead of her ‘singing along’ (aka them writing the lyrics) they cover the already placed speech bubbles with post-it yellow squares and a different font. They explain their situation and how maybe it’s all timing, maybe price and how at this part they were ready to call up a band member and it’s a lot of babble. I love it. I laughed so hard and just love when the fourth wall is broken successfully. I find it hysterical and the best thing a director could do for a funny movie. Again, I am sorry that I do not know any comics, but I do know movies!!

So first is my personal favorite, ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas’. This is the remake with Jim Carey and Cindy Lou goes to the Grinch’s house to be the holiday cheermister. The Grinch tries to scare her off but she isn’t frightened, causing him to break the fourth wall (skip to about :48)

Next is a ‘Saved By the Bell’ clip. This show is probably the most similar use of freezing time to break the fourth wall and just freezing time in general when compared to the comic. Zack is able to move to save himself.

Another one of my favorite movies that breaks the fourth wall is ‘Blazing Saddles’ (and every other Mel Brooks films). This is a cowboy movie and this is the climax fight scene between the good guys (a safe town put into the hands of a black sheriff in hopes that he would fail and the town would collapse) and the bad guys (the ones who sent the black sheriff to ruin the town to buy it for the railroad). They cut away from the western theme and bring us into another set, to have the cowboys break into these sets and other places during their fight (skip to :50).

Finally, there is the spoof horror move, ‘Return of the Killer Tomatoes’ with a young George Clooney as the lead actor. This clip is a little longer, but it’s particularly funny. Ultimately, half way through the movie, the director stops everything because they run out of money. You back out of the hall scene to see the set and people working on set and after some discussion, George Clooney has the idea of product placement. This is really great because after they start re-shooting, it is just like a commercial, promoting Pepsi, Nestle, Kellogs and others, but they continue this trough out the rest of  film with different logo and brand stickers placed in very obvious areas and it’s just great.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Disney LOVE

My favorite Disney movie is Peter Pan. I’ve loved it since I was a child. I’m really not sure what it is about him, but I’ve always been attracted to him as a character. Growing up I’m sure it was just how much fun he seemed to have. I still love how carefree Peter is as a character. Even now, I love the characters and the story, except for Wendy. She was always the representation of responsibility, something that I would much rather avoid. While Disney definitely altered the story, the core of forever childhood is what appeals most to me.

Peter Pan is an idea that has exploded through various other movies and shows. In 2003, a new Peter Pan movie was released with Jeremy Sumpter. This was the first live-movie adaptation of Peter Pan.

Peter Pan was originally a story created by Scottish novelist and playwright J. M. Barrie. The story was also adapted to a Broadway musical. The musical was also adapted to the ‘live’ television performance.

This character has been adapted as different ideas. For example, in the television show, Once Upon A Time, Peter Pan was a leading villain.

There have also been multiple book adaptations by modern authors to modernize as well as romanticize the boy.

There are also books following the trend of today with the ‘villains point of view’. In a book that I am currently reading, it is told from the viewpoint of Captain Hook and he is telling us about how evil Pan is.